Within each lesson plan you will find a full list of source materials. We’ve complied this concentrated list of additional resources that may be of help in your research and preparation. This is a fluid list and we encourage you to share additional resources that you find helpful. Please feel free to contact us with questions or for more detailed information.

Sephardic Haggadot from the Sephardic Studies Digital Collection of University of Washington's, Strom Center for Jewish Studies
Additional Sephardic and Mizrahi Curriculum
A Sephardic Hanukah Resource Guide
Hanukah curriculum featuring background information, recipes, and lesson plans.
Sephardic Heritage Museum Education Content
Lesson plans, lesson extensions and curricular connections based on the film series, The Syrian Jewish Community: Our Journey Through History,.
Bou Le-Gani: Piyutim in Early Childhood
An an online resource for teaching piyutim to K-5.
El Otro Camino: 1492
Centropa’s award-winning short film and study guides focused on the expulsion of the Jews from Spain.
Jewish Communities Around the World
Lesson plans on North African Jewish history and culture produced by the National Library of Israel.
Light and Shadows: The Story of Iranian Jews
Comprehensive Curriculum on Iranian Jews created by the Fowler Museum at UCLA.
November 30th, Week of Mizrahi Commemoration
A framework curriculum created by Educator, Adam Eilath in partnership with JIMENA for the implementation of Mizrahi Commemoration Week in Jewish Day Schools.
Out of Spain
Comprehensive curriculum and educational teaching materials covering Sephardic history and heritage.
The Cairo Genizah
As part of Simon Schama’s PBS series, Story of the Jews, PBS’s Learning Media created a lesson plan focused on the Cairo Genizah.
The Forgotten Refugees Curriculum
Historical curriculum developed by Justice for Jews from Arab Countries and The David Project for middle school and high school focused on Jewish refugees from North Africa and the Middle East. Approved by the New York Board of Education.
The Jewish Lens
This curriculum, is designed to engage students actively in learning about the values that are important in their Jewish communities. It uses the arts as a means to help young people connect intellectually and emotionally with their traditions. http://www.jewishlens.org/
Additional Tools for Sephardic and Mizrahi Eduction
An Invitation to Piyut
Database of recordings of Piyutim (liturgical poems and music) from countries around the world.
HeHaCham HaYomi (The Daily Sage)
An internet database of Sephardic and Mizrahi Sages and their value-based teachings from the past two hundred years.
JIMENA Country Websites
Ten country specific websites that contain Jewish recipes, music, photos, personal stories, and historical information for each country in the Middle East and North Africa.
Mizrahi and Sephardic Passover and Mimouna Guide
A rich guide filled with videos and descriptions for how communities from different countries from the Middle East and North Africa observe Passover and Mimouna. https://my.yupub.com/?tid=2d00489b-6046-4ab9-8c35-01e2f2161874#/page3
Educational Mimouna Materials
Educational worksheets, videos, lessons, and games from Israel’s National Library. https://education-en.nli.org.il/jewish-calendar/mimouna
Seeing the Voices
Mobile Application and Israel’s official online database of Oral History testimonies of Jews from North Africa and the Middle East.
The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs
A photography exhibit and materials related to Israel’s November 30th Mizrahi Commemoration Day.
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Within the website there multiple articles and media galleries on the experiences of Jews in North Africa and the Middle East during World War Two. We encourage you to visit their Holocaust Encyclopedia and search the words “North Africa” and “Middle East” for comprehensive information.
Mizrahi and Sephardic Organizations and Resources
3o Years After
Promotes the participation and leadership of Iranian-American Jews in American political, civic and Jewish life.
American Sephardi Federation
Preserves and promotes the history, traditions, and rich mosaic culture of Greater Sephardic communities as an integral part of the Jewish experience.
A Geo-Museum of North African and Middle Eastern Jewish Life that is working to digitally preserve the physical remnants of Jewish history throughout the region.
A platform dedicated to the shared and varied traditions, cultures, histories, music, and other art forms of the many unique groups within the pan-Sephardic community.
JIMENA: Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa
Programs ensure that the accurate history of Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews is incorporated into mainstream Jewish life and Middle Eastern narratives in order to create balance in attitudes, narratives, and discourse about Middle Eastern refugees and the modern Jewish experience.
Justice for Jews from Arab Countries
Serves as a clearing house of information and documentation on Jewish refugees from Arab countries..
Kol Israel Haverim – The Alliance Israelite Universelle
Historical institution that advances educational excellence for all children regardless of socio-economic status or geographic location that in turn will lead to increased social mobility. Offers a Jewish education that emphasizes social responsibility and involvement, while cultivating Jewish leadership committed to social activism.
Memizrach Shemesh
A Beit Midrash (House of Study) and Center for Jewish Social Activism and Leadership in Israel. Cultivates leaders and trains activists who are dedicated to the values of communal responsibility and social action rooted in all Jewish traditions including those of the Sephardi and Mizrachi heritage.
Sephardic Adventure Camp
A warm, welcoming Jewish overnight camp in the Pacific Northwest that builds independence and self-reliance as well as Jewish friendships and identity that last a lifetime.
Sephardic Education Center
Strengthens Jewish identity for youth and young adults while building a new generation of spiritual and community leaders.
Sephardic Legacy Series: Institute for Preserving Sephardic Heritage
This institute aspires to become the future home of publications, networking, lecture series, articles, documentary films, and other programs for English speaking Sephardic communities across the world.
Sephardi Voices
Sephardi Voices gives voice to the one million Jews who were uprooted from their homes, neighborhoods, and ancestry in North Africa, the Middle East, and Iran through an Oral History Initiative.
The Sephardic Jewish Brotherhood of America
Founded in 1916 by Jewish immigrants from Ottoman lands, the Brotherhood supports Sephardic individuals, families, and communities.
Sephardic Academic Departments
UCLA Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies, Maurice Amado Program in Sephardic Studies
University Washington, Sephardic Studies Program of the Stroum Center for Jewish Studies
Yeshiva University, Sephardic Studies Programs
The Ben Zvi Institute of Hebrew University